I'm Back to Work!
I'm Back to Work!
January 10, 2025

It’s been a wild couple of months for the Wildermuth family! In the space of just a couple of months, we’ve relocated to The Hague in the Netherlands. It’s been a scant 36 hours since we arrived, and there is so much to do.

Now that we’re getting settled, I can get back to work teaching and creating content! Coming up (hopefully next week), I’ll be resuming my weekly Coding Shorts YouTube videos.

In addition, I’m happy to announce a new instance of my Virtual ASP.NET Architecture Course. In this course, I’m covering:

  • Learning the basics of software architecture
  • Monoliths, microservices and everything in between
  • Components of a distributed application
  • Messaging between components
  • Monitoring distributed applications

This course includes understanding how to plan and build distributed applications with .NET including how to use .NET Aspire in your own applications.

For more information:

Course Overview

I’m also still available for coaching, training and consulting. Feel free to reach out at https://wildermuth.com/en/#contact!