Since the day I came back from Amsterdam to be ‘an adult’, I’ve held a torch for the Dutch and the Netherlands. Any conference anywhere near northern Europe has been my excuse to head back to the country. The pie-in-the-sky dream has been to move back and start a company.
Guess what? It’s happening! Recently, my wife and I have been discussion a change of life. As I get older, it’s been important to me and my wife that we stay active, enjoy more of our time, and live out our dreams. This means that we can go back to a car-free, walking/biking lifestyle that the Netherlands makes possible that is really difficult here in the States.
Starting early next year, we’re moving to The Hague (Den Haag) to start a new life there. While my wife and I will be out of the US, I’ll still be doing the same things I’ve always done including my training (e.g. Pluralsight et al.), creating YouTube videos, and my consulting work. Being in Europe will let me expand my company’s (Wilder Minds) reach.
I want to thank all of my readers, students, viewers, and clients for following me across my career journey. This change doesn’t mean anything different, just a different time zone!
If you’re in or around the Netherlands, please don’t hesitate to contact me with opportunities: https://wildermuth.com/contact