I’ll try and keep this quick. I’m updating one of my Pluralsight courses and I am curious if what I’m thinking makes any sense.
I’ve been teaching the same approach as most of the other Angular instructors, but I feel like it’s not as clear as it should be. Let’s look at a simple example of making a network call and showing state. I have a simple view that shows two strings. I am using a central service for calling the remote server with HttpClient. Here’s the call using Reactive:
loadReactive(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.http.get<ResultData>(this.URL)
map((data: ResultData) => {
this.reactiveResult = data.title;
return true;
In the component, I can just subscribe to the change:
onLoadReactive() {
.subscribe(s => console.log("Success"),
e => console.log("Failure"));
All the nesting makes this hard to read in my opinion. I am thinking of showing the async/await pattern instead. Here would be the call in the service:
async loadAsync(): Promise<boolean> {
const result = await this.http.get<ResultData>(this.URL)
this.asyncResult = result.title;
return true;
Longer but clearer I think. And in the component:
async onLoadAsync() {
try {
if (await this.store.loadAsync()) {
} else {
} catch {
I plan on teaching both, but is Angular moving away from the subscribe model to async/await now that it exists or are people sticking with it?
Please help me tell the right story to new Angular users!