Off the Road
Off the Road
September 19, 2018

I’m in the middle of a road trip for three conferences and it’s been an amazing time. Next up is Techorama Netherlands! I am lucky to be asked to speak at so many amazing conferences.

As so many of you know, I travel a lot for speaking and work. This year has been a tumult of experiences and emotions. With my film finally heading into post-production I’ve made a decision about conferences for the next fifteen months or so.

So I’m going to stop doing conferences that require a plane trip. This is a big disappointment for me, but I think it’s necessary. I have a lot I need to get done this year and, as fun as conferences are, they take a lot of time and energy.

I’ll be still working of course and that means that the lessened travel will let me complete some things that have been taking the back seat, including:

So you won’t stop hearing from me, just seeing me at your local event is going to be impossible for the next year or so (unless you live in Atlanta of course). See you in 2020!