Nothing starts a new year like a new skill or two. A couple of months ago I released a new Pluralsight course on building a website using ASP.NET Core 2.0 and Angular.
If you’re looking to prepare for the future of web development, I think my course does a good job of teaching the technologies involved. This is a great time of year to start looking at the new stack.
The New Course
If you haven’t taken one of my courses before, you might be surprised by the way that I teach. This course walks you through building a website from File->New to publishing the site. The course covers the following topics:
- .NET Core 2.0
- ASP.NET Core 2.0
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Entity Framework 2.0
- ASP.NET Identity
- Cookie-based Authentication
- JWT Token Authentication
- Building a SPA with Angular 4.3
- Publishing to Azure and IIS
If you took my earlier courses on ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Core 1.0, you’ll be glad to know that this course was completely re-written with an all new example and a better, more streamlined approach to how web development works.
You can view the course here at Pluralsight’s website:
Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core, MVC 6, EF Core, and Angular