New ASPNET5 Course Coming
New ASPNET5 Course Coming
August 25, 2015

I’m diligently working towards my new Pluralsight course and I am very excited about it. The new course is an end-to-end building of a web app using ASP.NET 5, MVC6, Entity Framework 7, Angular 1.4, and Bootstrap 3.x.

This course is a bit different than other courses I’ve done because we’re releasing it before the RTM of ASP.NET 5. Because of this, I wanted to let my students know what to expect.

The course will build a web app from an empty ASP.NET 5 project through to a deployed app. This mirrors my ASP.NET MVC5 course from a couple of years ago, but is written with the new stack. The course will build a whole new project as well. This time, you’ll be building a tool for trip planning called “The World”.

The course will be initially released based on ASP.NET 5 Beta 7 (expected late this month). Over the rest of the year, we’ll update it for every new drop (Beta 8, RC, and RTM if Microsoft sticks to their schedule.

This new course should be available by the end of September. Cross your fingers!