.NET Fringe is Coming!
.NET Fringe is Coming!
March 22, 2015

As many of you know, I’m not in the country at the moment but if I were, I’d be going to .NET Fringe in Portland, Oregon on April 12-14th. This new conference is all about open source in the .NET space and I and really excited that a conference is focused on it.

I have a couple of small, older .NET open source libraries, but my real facination has been with where the overall community is going. Both Microsoft and the community at large are all going open source and it’s great news for us all I think.

If you’re interested in going, it’s relatively cheap. There is even an option to apply for a free ticket (though I don’t know the qualifications). If you’re a student or unemployed, it’s only $100! You can see all the ticket prices here:


While I won’t be able to be there (at least, we’ve not figured out a way to make that happen yet), I suggest you go if you can get there. They even have set up a geek train to take people from Seattle down to the event in Portland:

The Geek Train

If you make it there, please give Glenn Block and Phil Haack a big kiss on the lips from me.