Today I picked up a Lumia 1020. I am impressed with the camera as you’d expect but I am also loving the size. It’s about the same size as the 920 except for the extra camera bump. It feels lighter than I expected. The AMOLED screen with Gorilla Glass 3 looks great too.
While I was setting up the new phone, I headed over to Windows Phone’s website to install my apps. The website has a feature called “purchase history” that allows you to look at what apps you’ve purchased and re-install them on your phone with a single click. What is interesting is that it seems I’ve installed over 750 apps over the time I’ve had with Windows phone. Yeah…750. I was surprised too.
The list includes trial apps, apps that are no longer available, duplicate entries for apps with full and trial versions, and a handful that were never certified for Windows Phone 8. So realistically there were probably over 400 apps I could have installed from my prior I used this tool to reinstall the apps I wanted (and no, I didn’t install them all ;) After chatting on Twitter, I was asked if I would list my favorite 50 apps. Instead of that I am going to list all the apps I actually used (as of today) in no particular order (with description if necessary):
- 6Sec: A Vine Client
- Adobe Reader
- Amazon Kindle
- Astronomy Lock Screen: Put a NASA Space pic of the day on my lock screen
- BaconIt: My Reddit Reader of choice
- Blink: Take a series of photos – great for action shots to get the one good pic.
- BoxFiles for DropBox
- CamWow: Goofy Picture Maker (good for meme photos)
- Chase Mobile
- Counters: App to put count-down counter on your home screen
- DevCenter: Track my WP apps
- ESPN Hub
- EventBrite Raffle: To help pick winners for the upcoming Atlanta Code Camp
- Fake Call: Creates a fake phone call for when you have to get out of that meeting
- Fingerprint Dialer: For pretending your on CSI
- Flashlight-X
- Flixster
- Fly Delta
- Free Speed Test
- GooNews: My current news reading app
- Groupy: To create group headers on the home screen
- Hipstamatic Oggl PRO: A camera lens I like
- How to Watch: My streaming video suggestion app
- Hulu Plus
- IMDb
- Instance: Unofficial Instagram client
- Lost Phone Screen: So I can prove I gave Scott Hanselman $0.99
- MICHELIN Travel: Good travel app for outside the US
- Moonphaser: My moon phase app
- My Trips: To track my travel via TripIt (better than the official app)
- MyFitnessPal: To track my food plan
- Netflix
- Nextgen Reader: My RSS reader
- Night Stand Clock: I use this as my digital clock at night. Great for travel.
- Nokia Cinemagraph: Create Cinemagraphs because they’re awesome
- OpenTable: For restaurant reservations that impress “the ladies”
- Pandora
- PDF Reader: An alternative to Adobe Reader
- Photosynth
- Pluralsight
- Pomodoro Free: A timer for doing my pomodoro time management
- Powerpoint Remote: Remotely control a Powerpoint presentation
- ProShot: An alternative Lens for full control over the camera (e.g. ISO, Manual focus, etc.)
- Reading Glasses: I’m getting old
- Ringtone Recorder: Make your own ringtones
- Rotary Dialer Free: I’m old enough to get the joke
- Rowi: My favorite twitter client…any any MS platform
- Speaker’s Clock: Great timer for wrapping up your conference/code camp sessions
- Spotify
- Stay Glucose To Me: My blood sugar tracker
- Timelapse Pro: Make time lapse photos with your phone
- Translator: Se habla Windows Phone
- WeatherBug: Favorite weather on the home screen app
- Yammer
- Yelp
- Amazing Alex
- Angry Birds
- Angry Birds Star Wars
- Bejeweled LIVE
- Burn the Rope
- Fragger
- Fruit Ninja
- Gravity Guy
- Implode!
- KooZac
- Let’s Golf 2
- Mirror’s Edge
- Revolution
- Shark Dash
- Shuffle Party
- Tiger Woods 12
- Wordament
- Yahtzee
- Aces of the Luftwaffe
- BuzzWord
- Doodle Pool
- Premium Pool
- Putt In Golf
- Temple Run
- Tile Flood
- Trine’s Hangman Pro
- Words with Friends
Did I miss your favorite app (that you didn’t write)? If so, post it below!