The New Design
The New Design
April 27, 2013

After my recent talk on Mobile-First Design, one of the attendees tweeted that he thought it was ironic that my talk was on responsive design but my blog wasn’t mobile-friendly. I told him that my company site was…but that was a cop-out. I hadn’t had time to get the blog setup with a good template. So voila! I haven’t confirmed that everything works the way I want but we should be close!

As some of you might not know, I don’t use a blog engine (it’s just a custom ASP.NET MVC site). What I love about ASP.NET MVC, is that since the markup so fairly separated from the code (I try and use as little actual Razor markup as possible), skinning it with a new Bootstrap template was pretty simple. It took me about 8 hours to convert it all.

Let me know what you think…