When The VPN Doesn't Work to my TFS-Using Client
When The VPN Doesn't Work to my TFS-Using Client
November 16, 2012

Very short post today, but wanted to share something that happens more than I’d like to admit. I work for some clients who use TFS and when I can’t in through their VPN I need to zip up my files for them to check-in manually. It’s not fun (I miss being able to create a change set in Mercurial or Git). When this happens I need to have a quick way of copying all the files in a project that aren’t marked as read-only. Robocopy to the rescue:

robocopy %1 %2 %3 /S /XA:R /XD obj bin packages backup _UpgradeReport_Files /XF *.suo *.vssscc *.user *.vspscc


This allows me to copy all the files I'm working on while skipping the temp files (e.g. obj, bin), package chagnes, backup files and upgrade files. Hope this helps anyone else that runs into this.