Look What I Built: GooNews for WP7
Look What I Built: GooNews for WP7
January 2, 2011

Url: http://social.zune.net/redirect?type=phoneApp&i…

UPDATE: A small bug is affecting a couple of users (who’ve sent me crash logs via the “About Screen”. This should be fixed soon and an update be delivered before weeks’ end.  Thanks for your patience.

My new Windows Phone 7 application is live (called GooNews). I find myself having some down time when moving through my life.  Sometimes its waiting at the bank or sitting at the airport. I looked through the catalog of WP7 apps to try and figure out a good news app so I can keep up with the world during these downtimes.  I was looking for something specific and I didn’t find it…so I built it.

So what did I want?  I wanted time-sensitive news stories (e.g. a service like Google News or Bing News).  I also wanted to be able to craft news stories based on keywords so I could have my favorite topics (e.g. WP7, Silverlight and XBox) as news feeds.  I also wanted to be able to share a story with friends or throw it up on my InstaPaper queue. So I hope that people enjoy the app, but I really built it for me ;)

As an aside, I tried to use Bing News but its license was too limiting and custom feeds were too difficult.  So I fell back into Google News and it worked great.  I did consider pluggable news providers but I decided to keep it simple.

I’ve recorded a short video to show off the app: