Url: http://expressionblend.codeplex.com/
It looks like the Expression team is skulking around and releasing code. They’ve just released a bunch of behaviors on the new Expression Blend Samples CodePlex project. The number of sample behaviors and triggers is just staggering:
- PlayMedia
- PauseMedia
- TogglePlayPauseMedia
- RewindMedia
- StopMedia
- MouseGestureTrigger
- MouseEventTrigger
- StateChangedTrigger
- CallDataMethod
- InvokeDataCommand
- DataEventTrigger
- SetDataProperty
- DataStateBehavior
- DataStateSwitchBehavior
- FluidBindProperty
- PropertyChangedTrigger
- CallMethod
- ClippingBehavior
- GoToNextState
- GoToPreviousState
- SetProperty
- ShowMessageBox
- ListBoxAddOne
- ListBoxRemoveOne
- ListBoxRemoveThisItem
Wow, that’s impressive. The code is only in Alpha, but the installer does add it to the Blend directory. Go get them now…run don’t walk: