Speaking at DevLink
Speaking at DevLink
March 31, 2009

Url: http://www.devlink.net/Speakers/ShawnWildermuth…

I will be in Nashville, TN in August 13 - 15, 2009 to speak at the DevLink conference. DevLink is a great deal at $75 for three days of technical content. I will be doing sessions on:

Will it Blend?: It’s easy to assume that the Expression toolset is just for designers. It’s even got that cool dark background with a completely non-Windows looking skin. But is that the reality? In this session I will show developers how Blend can be used to make their jobs quite a bit easier, even without a single ounce of artistic talent.

Silverlight + MVVM = Easy: Building a simple gadget or proof-of-concept in Silverlight is a pleasurable experience. But for larger applications, we should be able to leverage some of the tried and true software development patterns to help us build reliable and robust solutions. One of the most power of these techniques is the model-view-view-model (MVVM) pattern. In this session, I will present a example of building your applications using the MVC pattern to enable testability and separation of concerns.

Registration starts tomorrow at:
