Url: https://agilitrain.com/workshop/info/Advanced_S…
You only have one week left to register for our innaugural Advanced Silverlight Workshop. On March 30-31st, we will be holding the class in Atlanta, GA. This new class covers the material that you need to build large, robust applications using Silverlight 2 or 3. The workshop includes coverage of:
- Custom Control and Custom Layout Control Development.
- Testing Your Silverlight Applications.
- Securing Web Services.
- Sharing Entities Between Client and Server.
- Implementing Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) in Silverlight
- Using Inversion of Control Containers with Silverlight
- Composing Large Applications using Prism
If you are headed into a Silverlight project and want to be prepared to successfully architect and design your solution, this is the class for you. For more information visit: