Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/astoriateam/archive/2009/…
Mike Flasko announced today the availablility of ADO.NET Data Service v1.5 coming up soon. While this isn’t ready yet the new features they are supporting do seem exciting:
- Data Binding: Changes to allow for two-way binding (I expect this means support for INotifyPropertyChange and INotifyCollectionChange).
- RowCount: Support to allow for server-side retrieval of getting the size of a result without returning the entire result.
- Data Service Provider APIs: A way to implement support for Data Services (IExpandProvider and IUpdateable) for third party. This is hard today.
This will be a side-by-side out of band release over .NET 3.5 SP1 so it should come sooner rather than later. All looks good to me. Click over to Mike’s post for a complete read of the details.