ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Coming!
ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Coming!
March 1, 2009


Mike Flasko announced today the availablility of ADO.NET Data Service v1.5 coming up soon. While this isn’t ready yet the new features they are supporting do seem exciting:

  • Data Binding: Changes to allow for two-way binding (I expect this means support for INotifyPropertyChange and INotifyCollectionChange).
  • RowCount: Support to allow for server-side retrieval of getting the size of a result without returning the entire result.
  • Data Service Provider APIs: A way to implement support for Data Services (IExpandProvider and IUpdateable) for third party. This is hard today.

This will be a side-by-side out of band release over .NET 3.5 SP1 so it should come sooner rather than later.  All looks good to me. Click over to Mike’s post for a complete read of the details.