Speaking at MIX09!
Speaking at MIX09!
January 15, 2009

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/webnext/archive/2009/01/1…
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I am very excited to announce that i’ve been picked to do a session at MIX09.  For the uninitiated, MIX is Microsoft’s web-centric conference for “designers and developers who build innovative web sites”. If you are in the web or RIA space, its a great conference to be at. It usually attracts the best in web development, design

I will be presenting a session on “Building Microsoft Silverlight Applications with Eclipse”. In case you weren’t aware, you can use the Eclipse toolset to build Silverlight applications. This is especially useful for integrating Silverlight into traditionally non-Microsoft web projects.

Laurence Moroney announced my talk on his blog so I guess that’s as close to official as it gets!  I hope to see you all there!