Introducing Our New Silverlight Tour Instructor
Introducing Our New Silverlight Tour Instructor
September 4, 2008

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I’d like to introduce you to the Silverlight Tour’s newest instructor. Erik Mork (of The Sparkling Client Podcast fame) has agreed to become an instructor for the Silverlight Tour. We are ecstatic about having him on board to help teach our U.S. classes. He brings his substantial Silverlight experience to our three-day workshop.

Erik joined the tech community in 2000 and starting working on C++ 6, sockets and MFC applications. With the release of the .NET Framework, he transitioned to the world of Windows Forms and ASP.NET-based .NET Applications. He has 8 years of development experience.

As a recognized expert on Silverlight 2, Erik regularly trains and consults with companies around the world. He has worked with Silverlight since the 1.0 public release and on such projects as the Heroes happen {here} site, Microsoft internal training materials and other Silverlight 2 projects. Erik and his wife created the popular Silverlight podcast (The Sparkling Client Podcast).

When he’s not consulting or writing applications, Erik is active in the Silverlight 2 community including speaking at User Groups, talking at Conferences and reviewing new Silverlight 2 books.