More On Chrome
More On Chrome
September 2, 2008

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I usually am not one of those tinfoil hat guys, but the Google Chrome Privacy Policy says that anything I do with the browser is sent to Google with a browser unique id attached to it. From their privacy policy (emphasis added by me):

When you type URLs or queries in the address bar, the letters you type are sent to Google so the Suggest feature can automatically recommend terms or URLs you may be looking for. If you choose to share usage statistics with Google and you accept a suggested query or URL, Google Chrome will send that information to Google as well. You can disable this feature as explained here. 
If you navigate to a URL that does not exist, Google Chrome may send the URL to Google so we can help you find the URL you were looking for. You can disable this feature as explained here.
Google Chrome’s SafeBrowsing feature periodically contacts Google’s servers to download the most recent list of known phishing and malware sites. In addition, when you visit a site that we think could be a phishing or malware site, your browser will send Google a hashed, partial copy of the site’s URL so that we can send more information about the risky URL. Google cannot determine the real URL you are visiting from this information. More information about how this works is here.
Your copy of Google Chrome includes one or more unique application numbers. These numbers and information about your installation of the browser (e.g., version number, language) will be sent to Google when you first install and use it and when Google Chrome automatically checks for updates.  If you choose to send usage statistics and crash reports to Google, the browser will send us this information along with a unique application number as well.  Crash reports can contain information from files, applications and services that were running at the time of a malfunction.   We use crash reports to diagnose and try to fix any problems with the browser.

You supposed to be able to disable it, but this is where you can disable the address bar suggestion on my machine:

Can be disabled for me.  Hopefully its a bug. Even if you can disable it all, but its not obvious to me in the browser how to do it, only by reading the privacy policy. Back to IE for me.