Url: http://www.silverlightdata.com
To replace my old Silverlight 1.1 Demo using data, I’ve concocted an XBox Video Game store called AGGames:
When you first go to the site it will prompt you to install Silverlight 2 runtime. There are some small issues with some features work correctly unless you reboot the browser. If you run into issues watching the page, please close and re-launch the browser to make sure Silverlight 2 is loaded correctly. To download the runtime directly, follow this link:
This example uses:
- Silverlight 2
- Control Model
- Data Binding
- Styles
- Control Templates
- A bunch of others…
- Using the Silverlight ASP.NET Control to host the App
- Exposes endpoints that are consumed by Silverlight 2
- Entity Framework
- Data Access Layer is Entity Framework
- Includes derived types Data Contracts
- Prepared to switch from WCF to Astoria (ADO.NET Data Services) when the Silverlight 2 client ships
I plan on making the source available once MIX is over. Let me know what you think!