New Servers and a favor...
New Servers and a favor...
February 11, 2008

Its been a crazy weekend.  I’ve moved into my new servers at MaximumASP and I could not be happier.  On the new server, I have full control over the box so I can make it work the way it should have. In the old system, I was doing all sort of re-routing tricks to host 8 sites under a single web site.  It was a nightmare that made it difficult to use new technology (e.g. if the root site was using AJAX 1.0, I couldn’t have one of the sub sites use 3.5).  All that is over and hopefully you will see some new stuff on this site soon!  .

Here comes the favor…there is likely some parts of the site that do not work as they did on the other server because I missed a file or two in the transfer…if you see anything that should work that doesn’t, please email me at

One thing I noticed was that when using the VS 2008 Publish function, some files were inexplicably not transferred.  It may have been the “Content” type or the Silverlight links in some of the project…I don’t know.  But I’ve attempted to find all the holes that the “Publish”'s missed but I could have skipped something.

Lastly, this new server has come at the kindness of Maximum ASP.  They have graciously offered to give me a machine at a discount for my community sites including this one,, and (not all of these are active yet).

Last note: is almost fully functional.  Look for an announcement this week when you can register your own GeekDinners and schedule event nights!