Winner(s) for the Silverlight Tour Caption Contest!
Winner(s) for the Silverlight Tour Caption Contest!
January 10, 2008

We are happy to announce that we have winners for the caption contest.  The winning caption is:

Caption Contest
Learning Silverlight makes you feel like a kid again.

The winning caption was submitted by Frank Lavigne.  He will be given a free seat to the Silverlight Tour stop next week in Atlanta.  In addition, we’ve decided to have a couple of honorable mentions who will receive a free Silverlight Tour T-Shirt!  The winners were notified by e-mail today.

Honorable Mentions

  • “I’m going to shoot my eye out with SilverLight!”, Sean Gerety
  • “Look ma, no flash!”, Laurent Duveau

Congratulations to everyone who won!

UPDATE: To those of you who thought that I dressed up my children in clothes like these…don’t worry, that’s a picture of me from the 70’s when clothes like that were almost hip.