Url: http://atlanta.citysearch.com/profile/11340768/…
We are having another Atlanta Geek Dinner on Novemer 29th, 2007 at Max Lager’s American Grill & Brewery. This dinner will start at 6:30pm and will be held in Midtown in Atlanta for all you guys that work and/or live intown (like me). You can find Gordon Biersch’s at:
Max Lager's American Grill & Brewery (map)848 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, GA 30308-1202
Phone: (404) 870-0805
Please [RSVP](mailto:shawn@wildermuthconsulting.com?subject=Geek%20Dinner%2011/29/2007&body=I%20will%20be%20there...) here.
NOTE: Originally this dinner was scheduled with Live.com’s Events but it isn’t meant to be used for this type of event. If you’ve registered via that site, please RSVP separately.
UPDATE: The Restaurant Name/Link were wrong…make sure you get a new map if that’s how your looking for it.