Silverlight in Print
Silverlight in Print
April 17, 2007


If you want to know more about Silverlightnow, you can pick up Chris Sells and Ian Griffith’s book, “Programming WPF: Second Edition”.  The rough cut edition is available now from O’Reilly with the final print edition coming soon.  I wrote the Silverlight Appendix for that book.  The Rough Cut includes the Appendix (as well as a great WPF) with its old WPF/E moniker, but the release will include the fully silver-lit version.

In addition, i’ll have a “Silverlight Short Cut” available soon from O’Reilly in time for MIX (By end of April).  I’ll let you know in this space when that is available for download! If you’re unfamilliar with Short Cuts, here’s O’Reilly description from their website:

Short Cuts are PDF documents that spotlight one specific topic, usually in fewer than 100 pages. Whether it’s a first look at a brand new technology, a quick reference, or a thorough explanation of a narrow but crucial subject, Short Cuts bring you focused information in an easy-to-use, portable package.