Url: http://www.codeplex.com/reflectoraddins/Release…
I’ve been digging a bit into how themes work for a new article. In doing that I wanted to see how WPF used their theme files. Their theme files are stored as BAML in the PresentationUI assembly. As usual reflector came to the rescue with a BamlViewer plugin (available as part of the ReflectorAddIn’s CodePlex Project).
I downloaded it and started to look at the generic.xaml file that WPF uses. Unfortunately the XAML window in the add-in was hard to navigate and didn’t support searching. What I really wanted was a way to support select/copy in the XAML viewer and a way to actually save the XAML files so I could do more in depth investigating. Since the add-in didn’t support, I volunteered to add it:
I am not sure if the latest version that I have linked to above includes my changes yet or not. If it doesn’t, you can download the sources and they definitely have my changes.
Now…back to that generic.xaml file…interesting…but you’ll have to read my upcoming article to see what I found!