A New Book...
A New Book...
November 2, 2005

I’ve talked with lots off prospective authors the last few years since my first book came out.  I’ve tried to do what Chris Sells did for me, scare them…  I’ve explained that it is long hours, lots of dedication and can get in the way of family time.  I sure don’t take my own advice very well.  I’ve agreed to write another book, “Prescriptive Data Architectures” for Addison-Wesley.  Unlike the first book (pre-blog craziness), I plan on using this blog to discuss my experience writing the book as well as a sounding board for my ideas that will be used in the book.

So, why am I writing the book?  In my user-group talks and work with customers, I get a lot of questions about what data architecture is right for them.  If you read my first book, you might assume that I think that DataSets are right for every project.  I do not.  I have found that answering the ‘right architecture’ question is a complex one that involves business, functional and techinical requirements.  My goal with the book is to help readers understand their projects.  Armed with that knowledge, they can make informed decisions about which data architecture makes the most sense for their project.  This is something I have a passion for.  That’s why I am writing the book.

The book will be in the same Addison-Wesley checkerboard series that my first book was in and is expected to ship in January 2007.