Url: http://www.metabuilders.com
I just wanted to give a shout out to Andy Smith of MetaBuilders ASP.NET controls. I regularly use his DialogWindow and FirstFocus controls. He has a number of controls on his site that are just great, but I can only speak for those two. My $0.02 review of them are:
- DialogWindow: This control is great in allowing a window to be opened and mimic a dialog window. Until the pop-up window is closed, the user can’t play around with the main window. Setting these up is very trivial.
- FirstFocus: This control allows you to specify a control that will get focus when a user opens a form. This gets around my pet peeve around authors of websites that have forms forgetting to set the focus to the first control on a form. With this control, you drop it on a form and just specify the name of the control and it just happens.
Great work Andy!