In the last few weeks a number of comparison between Java and .NET have been floating around. As much as I am interested in these comparisons on an intellectual level, I really don’t care on a practical level. Do most day-to-day developers really care? Sure, the number of jobs out there for any particular skill set move with the tides so most of us care. But on a purely technological comparison, the differences is minimal.
These comparisons just help fuel the religious fervor between the Sun v. MS camps. I thought that today’s world was more interopability and web services we could perhaps just put the differences aside and stop caring about which specific features are better or worse in each platform. Truth be known, most every project could be developed in either toolset with little change.
For those in the .NET camp, I think we owe Sun and the Java community a debt of gratitude. C# learned from many of Java’s mistakes, and copied other of their mistakes. Remember, no language is perfect (even Java : )
We might as well start chastising old Apple users for typing in ALL CAPS on the bbs message boards…